


Posted on 09 May 2023
Source of News: The Borneo Post

BINTULU: AirAsia may introduce direct flights between Bintulu and Singapore around September or October this year, says Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing.

The Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture said this route would help expand Bintulu as a heavy industry hub with more investments.

Tiong said the route would also give greater convenience to the business community and connections with the international market.

“I have a preliminary understanding with AirAsia to develop more direct flights between Bintulu and Singapore by the end of this year, albeit without confirmation of the weekly frequency yet – hopefully up to twice weekly,” he said during the Bintulu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s 25th Council for 20232025 and Seventh Youth Business installation ceremony.

The Bintulu MP said with the global economy in the recovery stage, many airlines are expected resume and open more routes to serve more cities in the second half of 2023.

He said this would lead an economic boom for more companies to expand.

“Although we have entered the post-pandemic era, the Ministry of Health has issued a warning to beware of another potential (Covid-19) wave.

“Therefore, I call on all businesses and shop owners to take the proper preventive precautions such as masking up to protect public health,” he said.

Tiong pointed out the Covid19 pandemic accelerated the digitalisation of businesses and daily life, where more transactions are now contactless and online.

He called upon traditional businesses to keep pace with the times by learning to adapt and adopt new technologies to remain competitive.

Tiong also called upon the Bintulu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry to hold training on digitalisation and the use of technology to transform traditional businesses.

“Let’s help our friends form some clear way forward in today’s new business environment by understanding the resources needed for transformation and reform,” he added.

The Borneo Post

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