Frequently Asked Questions


FAQ - Frequently Asked Question

1. Who is allowed to enter the terminal?

i. Semua penumpang, staf Lembaga Sungai-Sungai Sarawak, Operator bot, krew bot, juragan, porter dan ejen tiket.
ii. Mempunyai suhu badan kurang daripada 37.5 darjah Celsius.
iii. Memakai pelitup muka / face mask.

2. Can we carry one or two passengers more than 50% load capacity if it is the last trip and passengers need to travel on emergency eg. Need hospitalizat

In case of emergency as mentioned above or whichever is considered critical, it will be allowed to carry additional of max two (2) passengers on board after obtaining approval from Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB).

3. When can passenger boats operate full passenger capacity as before MCO?

The operation of passenger boats in full capacity will be decided and announced the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) at the appropriate time.

4. Can the Government provide hand sanitiser and disinfectant solution to all boat operators?

Hand sanitiser and disinfection solution are to be provided by the boat operators to ensure cleanliness and control of infectious diseases.

5. Does the MOT set any conditions for health screening before the company / individual shippers are allowed to operate during the CMCO?

Prior to operating, companies / individuals involved in the p-hailing industry should practice social, health and contactless transaction wherever possible. All riders are advised to wear face masks, use hand sanitizer and wash their hands regularly.

Riders are required to carry out the disinfection sanitation process for the daily shipping box according to the guidelines set by the MOH. All riders must undergo a health screening and adhere to the Covid-19 prevention procedures prescribed by MOH issued from time to time.

In the event of any employee being infected with Covid-19, the company must assist and fully cooperate with the Ministry of Health in implementing contact tracing of infected employees of Covid-19 and contact management.

For a parcel-hailing service (p-hailing) registered with a local authority if a rider is infected with Covid-19 or has symptoms it is the individual's responsibility to exercise control to ensure that no services are performed.

All p-hailing riders are required to download and register on the MySejahtera app and need to present proof of registration to the authorities.

6. Are the vehicles delivering the goods allowed to operate at all times during this Conditional Movement Control Order?

Although e-commerce operations are allowed to operate 24 hours, delivery time is encouraged between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm and is subjected to current regulations from MKN, Local Authorities and Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH).

7. Can I use a private vehicle to deliver goods during the CMCO period?

As stated in the Land Public Transport Act 2010 (Act 715) and the LPKP Act 1987 (Act 334), all freight vehicle services must have a driver's license and the vehicle used must be registered as a freight vehicle before it can operate. Therefore, private vehicles are not permitted to be used as goods vehicles either for their own business or for third parties (for rent / hire) unless they are licensed or registered in advance.

8. Is the shipping service still allowed during this Conditional Movement Control Order?

Shipping services are still allowed to operate. Riders are required to have full valid driver's license (CDL) and aged of not less than 18 years old. Riders should also be free from the JPJ / PDRM blacklist. All entities or individuals are advised to have insurance coverage for their riders.

All riders must comply with all road rules such as wearing helmets and so on. The boxes to be carried for the goods are to be in compliance to the size specified under the JPJ requirements.

For safety purposes, it is compulsory to use motorcycle lanes which are gazetted, and to wear safety vests.

9. Is there a ban on the movement of freight vehicles on the road?

There is no prohibition on the movement of goods vehicles on the road.

10. Is cross-country cargo movement via mainland Malaysia (import, export and transhipment) allowed during this period?

All air crews, crews and truckers who drive heavy vehicles for the purpose of carrying commercial goods are allowed to exit and enter into border countries such as Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Brunei, subject to MKN and PDRM directives;

All air crews, crews and truckers are required to undergo a health screening and comply with applicable border control rules in accordance with current rules agreed between the Government of Malaysia and other countries.

The company is required to ensure that the workers involved have valid passports and sufficient sheets of passport for immigration purposes. Upon expiry of the passport, the company may contact the relevant State Immigration Director to request renewal of the validity / issuance of new passport books during the CMCO period.

However, these instructions are subject to the current directives of the MKN.

11. Are forwarding agent and shipping agents operating at the port operating during this period?

The port operation will run normally. All loading and unloading activities of cargo ships are allowed to operate normally and are not limited to essential items. Therefore, the operation of forwarding agent and shipping agent will also operate as usual in Malaysian ports. This is subject to compliance with MKN's current operating instructions.

12. What conditions do logistics companies need to adhere to in order to operate under this Conditional Movement Control Order?

Before executing the shipment, the company must ensure that the warehouse / factory / cargo company is authorized to operate to receive the shipment to be shipped.

For office workers, companies need to reduce the number of employees to a minimum, namely the availability of office workers only when necessary. Companies should establish a home-work system for employees not involved in critical activities;

For mobile workers, the company has to reduce the number of workers to a minimum of two people for vehicles less than 2 tons, while an assistant is allowed for vehicles over 2 tons.

Social distancing needs to be a norm in everyday life including in the delivery of goods. Freight handling, which is also assisted by transport workers (drivers and assistant), especially in grocery stores, shopping malls and convenience stores, should be carried out fully by cargo owners with minimal labour.

13. What is the status of e-fulfillment hubs / warehousing operations during this Conditional Movement Control Order?

The Government has no objection to e-fulfillment hubs / warehousing operations. This is because, e-fulfillment hubs / warehousing operations are not subject to the Movement Restriction Order as outlined in the Federal Government Gazette of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures in the Local Area of Infections) 2020. The industry is requested by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia’s recommendation to curb the transmission of COVID-19.

Distribution Center (DC) operations involving essential daily needs and food including e-commerce warehouse and supporting warehouse services are allowed to operate, subject to the prevailing CMCO regulations.

14. Will MOT issue information regarding the types of freight allowed to truck and logistics operators during the duration of this Conditional Movement Co

All kinds of goods can be brought during the CMCO period. Therefore, no notice will be issued.

15. Can a logistics company deliver goods to a location that is not authorized to operate?

Before executing the shipment, the company must ensure that the cargo owner is authorized to operate (not carrying out activities under the Unauthorized Activity List) to receive the shipment to be shipped. Authorization to operate is subject to sectors not included in the National Security Council (MKN) list of Prohibited Activities.

In the event that the supplier factory is not allowed to operate but the raw material from the supplier is available at the warehouse, the transport company is allowed to bring the material to the manufacturing plant for manufacture.

16. Do logistics and transportation companies still need to apply for a letter of approval from MITI to operate?

No. As stated in the Economic Opening SOP issued by the National Security Council (MKN), all other sectors of the business are allowed to reopen and operate except those sectors specified in the Prohibited Activities List from time to time.

17. Are logistics activities allowed during the Conditional Movement Control Order?

The transport and logistics sectors have been authorised to operate as Essential Services in accordance with the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control (Measures Within the Infectious Diseases) Regulations 2020 [PU (A) 132] dated April 28, 2020. Approval to continue operation is subjected to the provision of essential services that are listed and in force.

Allowed logistics activities include the following:

i. Freight forwarder services and customs agents
ii. Truck operation of hauliers
iii. Freight train operations
iv. Shipping line and Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC)
v. Air freight operations
vi. Storage activities (warehouses, off docks, etc.)
vii. Inland Container Depot Operations
viii. Operation ancillary services to land, water or air transport (towing, workshop, tyre supply etc)

18. Can food be consumed during the journey?

It is advised not to consume food in the bus for safety and good hygiene practices.

19. Are the cabin of the bus and its seats and ancillary facilities (overhead compartment, air conditional filters) cleaned with approved disinfectant aft

The cabin of the buses is cleaned with approved disinfectant at designated stops. Onward journey passengers may be required to disembark so that cleaning and disinfectant services can be carried out.

20. Can passengers bring live birds, animals or pets into the bus?

Passengers are advised that bringing all kind of animals and live farm animals onto the vehicle is not permitted.

21. Is there any change in the bus fare during CMCO?

There is no change in the bus fare during CMCO.

22. Will the bus be carrying full capacity?

The bus capacity is limited to 50% only with a social distance of 1 meter.

23. Do bus operators provide masks for the bus journey?

No, all passengers are required to purchase and use their own masks.

24. What are the health and safety measures implemented at the terminal?

All terminal operators have been asked to implement the following health control measures:

  1. Check the body temperature of passengers at the terminal. Passengers with symptoms will be asked to go home;
  2. Terminal operators are to provide hand sanitisers at ticket counters and at the main entrance of the terminal;
  3. Terminal operators are to label places such as arrival / departure waiting areas, ticket counters or any other places where people congregrate with special stickers as guidance for terminal users to adhere to social distancing of at least 1 meter;
  4. Ensure the seating at departure area is spaced alternatively 1 seat empty and the terminal operator is required to ensure that the passenger capacity is controlled based on 1 meter social distancing;
  5. The terminal operators need to encourage the public to purchase ticket at the self-service ticket kiosks;
  6. Passengers, employees and merchants are to wear face mask at all times;
  7. Terminal operators are to periodically announce regarding the control and prevention of Covid-19;
  8. Terminal operators are required to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection at high-touch areas such as doors, chairs, holders and any frequented places (minimum once in 8 hours); and
  9. Ensure that workers and retailers in the terminal area undergo daily health screening for symptoms before commencing operation. They will be allowed to operate unless they are tested positive for Covid-19 or have symptoms, by which they will be asked to stop operating completely.
25. Will the land public transport terminal operate as usual?

Yes, land public transport terminals will be allowed to operate as usual.

26. Are there any other conditions for passengers of bus, licensed van, taxi and e-hailing services?

All passengers using the services are encouraged to download and register themselves on the MySejahtera app.

27. What about taxi and e-hailing drivers?

The same health control conditions are applicable to drivers. Drivers must ensure that they are free of any symptoms before they can resume work. They should always wear face mask during the work duration.

28. What are the terms and conditions imposed on taxi and e-hailing passengers?

For taxi and e-hailing services, the maximum number of passengers at any one time is two and passengers must be seated at the back.

All passengers are required to wear face mask at all times when riding in the taxi and e-hailing.

All passengers are required to adhere to instructions from taxi and e-hailing drivers.

Passengers with symptoms are not allowed into the taxi and e-hailing.

Passengers are advised to purchase ticket via cashless payments.

Drivers and passengers are encouraged to use hand sanitiser before boarding and alighting from the vehicle.

29. What are the terms and conditions imposed on the bus and licensed van?

All passengers must always wear face mask in buses and licensed vans. All passengers are required to adhere to the instructions from the bus drivers and licensed van drivers.

Passengers with symptoms are not allowed on the buses and licensed vans.

Passengers are advised to purchase ticket via cashless payments such as monthly passes.

30. What are the health and safety measures imposed on bus services?

Social distancing will be applied to all public buses. The bus capacity is limited to 50% only with a social distance of 1 meter. The number of passengers on the bus is to be determined by the driver.

All operators are to provide markings on the bus for social distancing purposes. If there are two or three seats, one seat is to be kept empty.

At the standing spaces on the bus, markings are to be placed on the floor of the bus.

Bus and facilities are to be cleaned after each trip as well as at the depot after operating hours.

All buses will be provided with hand sanitisers which passengers must use each time they board and leave the bus.

Copyright ©2020 Sarawak Government
Last Updated On 14 Mar 2025

Operating Hours

Monday - Thursday
8:00 am to 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

8:00 am to 11:45 am & 2:15 pm to 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday
Counter Closed
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