


Posted on 18 Dec 2022
Source of News: The Borneo Post
KUCHING (Dec 18): The autonomous rail transit (ART) project will be a game changer for the Samarahan Dvision, said Kota Samarahan Municipal Council (MPKS) chairman Dato Peter Minos.

“Just imagine that this is the first project of its kind in Sarawak and that the Kota Samarahan people will be the first to use ART by early 2025. Not in the people’s imagination but now is becoming a reality,” he said.

The modernised public transport system, he believed, would transform communities and contribute to landscape urbanism.

“Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) and Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) students will have their lives made easier and better by the ART.

“Many things in Kota Samarahan will be transformed for the better – less traffic congestion, reduced parking problems and also there will be more housing projects and businesses springing up around the ART stations,” he commented on the launch of the Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) Project – Phase 1 in Kota Samarahan on Friday.

“The ART project reflects real progress and modernisation of Sarawak – not just in public transport but also in the mentality of Sarawakians, where we usher in new industries such as the manufacture and use of hydrogen and solar panels for energy, among others.

Credits must also be given to the Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg for initiating these new ways and ideas, he said.

MPKS and the people of Samarahan are glad that, at long last, Sarawak Metro had launched its ART project at Rembus, Kota Samarahan, he added.

The Rembus depot is scheduled to begin operation in the fourth quarter of 2025, coinciding with the opening of Stage 1 of the ART passenger service for the Blue Line.

The depot will be built on an 80-acre site, which will also house the depot for the KUTS Project hydrogen feeder buses as well as SEDC Energy Sdn Bhd hydrogen production plant.

It involves the design, construction, and commissioning of the ART’s approximately 69.9km route consisting of three urban lines, including the 27.6km Blue Line from Rembus in Kota Samarahan to Hikmah Exchange in the Kuching city centre.

Other facilities to be built at the Rembus Depot include an administration and operation control station building, stabling yard, hydrogen refuelling facilities, mechanical workshop, infrastructure workshop, as well as test track facility.

 The Borneo Post

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