


Posted on 30 Dec 2022
Source of News: The Borneo Post
KUCHING (Dec 30): Kuching South City Council (MBKS) has launched a radar speed reminder sign (RSRS) at an accident hotspot along Jalan Stutong.

Kuching South mayor Datuk Wee Hong Seng said the sign seeks to reduce the number of accidents in the area.

“Last year, a lot of accidents occurred here and after that, the council made initiatives to resurface the road and from that time onwards, less accidents although it is still happening but not serious accidents.

“Now we have the RSRS, as a reminder to road users, and we hope it can reduce accidents,” he said during the launch today.

He pointed out that the actual gazetted speed limit for Jalan Stutong is 60km per hour, yet most drivers frequently surpass the limit.

“This RSRS can already detect your vehicle coming about 150 metres (from Saradise/BDC) towards Stutong, and if you are driving 60km/h, you will see the green colour numerical appearing on the screen, meaning you are driving at the speed allowed, but if it is more than 60km/h, it will turn red and will advise you to slow down.

“Currently, we are monitoring vehicles moving along this road and we found that about 90 per cent are driving over the limit of 60km/h. Having this RSRS is good information for the drivers.

“Most important thing is to reduce accidents from happening, and if it works effectively, then we will look into other hotspot areas, so that we will be able to make sure all the road users get information on the speed (limit) and everybody will be safe on the road,” he said.

Wee added MBKS’ job is prioritising lives and the council will continue to work with the police to ensure hotspots requiring RSRS get support.

“At the same time, we would like to appeal to the public, the road users, please obey all the rules and regulations and of course with the festive season coming, do not drink and drive, or when you want to drive, do not drink (alcohol),” he said.

The Borneo Post

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