


Posted on 12 Jan 2023
Source of News: The Borneo Post



SIBU (Jan 12): All ferry jetties in Sarawak should put in place measures to ensure safety of members of the public, Deputy Minister for Public Health, Housing and Local Government Michael Tiang Ming Tee said.

Commenting on the recent accident at Tanjung Kunyit Ferry Jetty at Sungai Maaw which claimed two lives, he said safety features should have been installed such as adequate lighting, safety barriers, signage and so forth.

He hoped that the relevant parties could learn from the tragedy and install all the necessary safety features.

“For example, signs need to be placed at a certain distance so that the people will know that there is a jetty ahead and they would also know whether it is operating or not before they can head closer to the jetty,” he said.

He stressed that accidents like this must be prevented in the future.

According to a news report, the police received a report from a 39-year-old local man at 2.03am on Saturday that he received a phone call from his cousin (who survived the incident) who said that the car he was travelling in, which had two other passengers, had plunged into the river.

The deceased were identified as Philip Yinn Chung Leong, 61 and an unidentified woman believed to be in her 40s.

Bodies of both deceased were found.

The survivor is a dentist.

 The Borneo Post

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