


Posted on 18 Jan 2023
Source of News: The Borneo Post

BINTULU (Jan 18): The Sarawak Road and Transport Department (Sarawak JPJ) has launched the Integrated Ops ‘Pandu Cermat Jiwa Selamat’ from Jan 18 to Jan 27 for the upcoming Chinese New Year celebration.

Sarawak JPJ deputy director Erick Jusiang said the integrated operation will be based on four cores namely education and advocacy; enforcement; prevention; and monitoring and evaluation.

He said this when met after inspecting the conditions of express buses departing from Bintulu Sentral Bus Terminal here to their respective destinations today.

Erick said during the period, the JPJ enforcement officers will carry out enforcement activities such as conducting patrols in black spot areas, bus terminals, along the main roads, as well as going undercover as bus passengers.

He added goods vehicles will be banned from going on roads during the festive season and the ban starts two days before Chinese New Year (Jan 20 and Jan 21) and two days after (Jan 24 and Jan 25).

“This is meant to minimise risks of road accidents due to mixed traffic flow between heavy and light vehicles and also to avoid traffic congestion as many people are expected to drive back to their respective villages during this period,” said Erick.

For the record, he said the pre-Chinese New Year operations had been implemented from Jan 14 to 17 with enforcement officers being tasked to check on express buses at 11 depots and four bus terminals in Kuching, Sibu, Miri and Bintulu.

“The inspection mainly focused on all bus operators to comply with using the standard bus tyres, and to ensure that the brakes and lights are all in good working condition,” he said, adding that a check on outstanding summonses involving bus drivers and operators had also been carried out.

“We are also collaborating with the National Anti-Drugs Agency (AADK) officers who will be conducting urine tests on bus drivers before they can be allowed to drive to their respective destinations,” said Erick.

As for the police statistics on fatal road accidents in 2022, he said the state recorded an increase of 10.7 per cent at 341 cases, as compared to 308 cases in 2021.

The death rate also increased by 12.7 per cent from 339 cases in 2021 to 382 cases last year, he disclosed.

The Borneo Post

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Last Updated On 19 Jul 2024

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