


Posted on 15 Apr 2023
Source of News: The Borneo Post
KUCHING (April 15): The Sarawak Urban Traffic Management Committee (Sutmac) will focus on coordinating projects and programmes by various agencies to address urban traffic congestion, said Transport Minister Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin.

He said this would include the operations of command centres in managing urban traffic.

“Systematic traffic management is required to create a safe, orderly and efficient movement of people and goods while protecting the environment.

“Sutmac will look into traffic issues together and recommend to the government integrated and synchronised programmes, projects and initiatives to resolve the issues in a more coordinated way,” he said in a statement today after chairing the committee meeting on Friday.


Lee said the meeting was briefed by both the Kuching North City Commission (DBKU) and state Road Transport Department (JKR) on their command centres.

According to him, the current situation is that state and federal agencies are in charge with regulating the flow of traffic, as well as the construction of infrastructure and street furniture for traffic.

“These agencies work according to their respective roles and functions, with their own agendas and priorities. As such, Sutmac will serve as a platform for all relevant stakeholders to sit together and coordinate pertinent issues that affect urban traffic and transport movement.”


Lee thus stressed the need for all agencies to work together to solve urban traffic management issues.

At the meeting, he said the committee agreed to recommend the development of dedicated bus lanes to be incorporated in urban planning policies.

“This is to facilitate the development of dedicated bus lanes in major towns in Sarawak in the future.


“Sutmac will not only look at short-term actions but also long-term strategies in alleviating urban traffic problems in Sarawak,” he said.

Yesterday, the Sarawak Attorney General’s Chambers also briefed the meeting on related laws and regulations on urban traffic management.

On top of that, Sarawak Metro Sdn Bhd also briefed the committee on the Kuching Urban Transportation System and Autonomous Rapid Transit project overview.


Among those present were committee members comprising head of departments and government officers from the key and relevant ministries and agencies that are responsible for urban traffic management, including the Residents of all divisions across the state.

Sutmac, which was approved by the Sarawak State Cabinet on Aug 25 last year, is to act as a platform for key stakeholders to discuss urban traffic issues, and coordinate the initiatives, programmes and projects to resolve urban traffic-related problems.

The Borneo Post

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