


Posted on 20 Apr 2023
Source of News: The Borneo Post

KUCHING: The federal Ministry of Transport is constantly monitoring the frequency of flights to East Malaysia for the upcoming Hari Raya Aidilfitri festival, said deputy minister Datuk Hasbi Habibollah.

Hasbi said many airline companies, including AirAsia and Malaysia Airlines, have announced that flight frequencies to the Borneo states have been increased to bring down the ticket prices.

“AirAsia has added a total of 62 additional flights flying to East Malaysia to ensure lower ticket price, as well as offering 11,000 seats at fixed rate from West Malaysia to Sabah and Sarawak,” he told reporters after a road safety programme at a Petros station in Petra Jaya yesterday.

Hasbi said he had also met with industry players to discuss issues related to ticket price and the aviation industry in general.

On a separate note, the federal Deputy Transport Minister said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had agreed in principle for Sarawak to set up a boutique airline and he hoped the federal Cabinet will soon grant its approval.

“Every proposal needs to go through the Cabinet first and hopefully, it will be approved,” he said, sidestepping a question on whether the proposal was brought up in yesterday’s federal Cabinet meeting.

The Borneo Post

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