


Posted on 10 May 2023
Source of News: The Borneo Post
KUCHING: Sarawak Ministry of Transport (MOTS) management and staff are asked to take the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace seriously.

MOTS permanent secretary Dato Alice Jawan Empaling said they can do so by taking proactive measures and not dismissing any complaints.

In view of that, MOTS had recently organised a briefing on Handling Sexual Harassment at the Workplace at Baitulmakmur II Building, Petra Jaya, which was officiated at by Alice herself.

“A total of 65 MOTS staff attended the briefing on Handling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace which was delivered by Jessie Melling, who is an administrative officer from the Human Resource Development and Management Unit in the Sarawak Premier’s Department.

“The objective of this programme is to increase awareness and understanding of the meaning of sexual harassment, the impact on the victim and the support that can be provided as well as actions that can be taken if sexual harassment occurs at work,” said MOTS in a statement yesterday.

With the organising of the programme, MOTS thus hopes that the programme would be carried out more actively in order to foster MOTS citizens’ awareness of the issue of integrity misconduct in the organisation.

MOTS also said that the organising of the programme supports the Sarawak government’s desire to cultivate integrity in the state civil service.

The Borneo Post

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