


Posted on 10 May 2023
Source of News: The Borneo Post

KUCHING (May 10): More details on Sarawak’s highly anticipated hydrogen-powered Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART) will be revealed during the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting, which starts next week, said Sarawak Metro chief executive officer (CEO) Mazli Mustaffa.

He said Transport Minister Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin would be updating the august House on the project.

“We have referred this to Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin and he will answer them at the DUN sitting next week,” he told reporters when met at Sarawak Metro’s ‘Berambeh Aidilfitri’ open house here today.

Asked if the latest update on the ART would include the expected delivery period for the ART vehicles, Mazli replied: “Correct. It is better for the minister to reveal all these during the DUN sitting next week.”

On March 22, Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) chairman Tan Sri Datuk Amar Abdul Aziz Hussain said one of the ART vehicles would be arriving soon while the rest would start coming in batches next year.

“It will be used on the highway in Samarahan and it will be on a test run for one year,” he told reporters at an event then.

Meanwhile, Mazli said the‘Berambeh Aidilfitri’ was an opportunity for the company to bond with stakeholders from both the private and public sectors.


“Our stakeholders are very important to us in delivering the Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) project,” he said.

He added that the open house also served as an opportunity for Sarawak Metro staff to bond with one another.

About 500 guests including State Financial Secretary Dato Sri Dr Wan Lizozman Wan Omar, Deputy State Secretary (Economic Planning and Development) Datu Dr Muhammad Abdullah Zaidel, SEDC general manager Datu Abdul Hadi Abdul Kadir, Kota Samarahan Municipal Council (MPKS) chairman Datuk Peter Minos, and SUPP Stakan branch chairman Dato Sim Kiang Chiok attended the open house, which started at 10am.

The Borneo Post

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