


Posted on 16 May 2023
Source of News: The Borneo Post
Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) will always look after the interests of the people for continuous progress and development in Sarawak.

Transport Minister Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin said this is because political stability and strong unity between various races are very important to ensure that all development plans can be implemented smoothly.

“Our premier is always looking for various ways to increase income, thus improving our standard of living in Sarawak. All this is for the sake of progress and development of the people in Sarawak,” he stated in his address when officiating at Ramah Tamah Aidilfitri at Kampung Pujut Tanjung Batu multipurpose hall recently.

Therefore, the Senadin assemblyman reminded the people to value racial unity and religious harmony in Sarawak, which outsiders respect and praise the most.

“As Sarawakians, we should feel proud because this is our way of maintaining the peace and harmony among various races in Sarawak. Do not be easily influenced by the words of outsiders who aim to divide the people in Sarawak.”

He said Sarawak is an example where plural societies of various races and cultures can live together and respect each other in the spirit of the Sarawak family.

“Even in our own family, mixed marriage has indirectly led us towards the high spirit of the Sarawak family. With Sarawak’s family spirit, we understand each other better and will certainly not discriminate against each other.”

At the event, he was happy to see that various bodies in the village were able to work closely to organise the Raya gathering.

“This is the spirit we want to see in the village. We want to see close cooperation between various bodies in the village for the benefit of the village.

“Cooperation between various bodies in the village by sharing common objective is very important to develop the village.”

The Ramah Tamah Aidilfitri event was jointly organised by five bodies in the village namely Kampung Pujut Tanjung Batu’s village security and development committee (JKKK), An-Nur Mosque management committee, Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Kampung Pujut Padang Kerbau branch, Kampung Pujut Tanjung Batu neighbourhood watch committee (KRT) and Kampung Pujut Tanjung Batu AIM Rabiatul Adawiyah.

Also present were Miri Resident’s Office administrative officer Ashard Shamsu, Kampung Pujut Tanjung Batu village chief Usman Sulaiman and Kampung Pujut Tanjung Batu KRT chairman Ishak Baijuri.

The Borneo Post

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