


Posted on 29 May 2023
Source of News: The Borneo Post
The flyover over the Jalan Sibu-Bintulu roundabout here is now open to motorists.

In announcing this yesterday, Works Minister Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi said those travelling between Bintulu and Kuching could now pass this section without having to use the roundabout.

“We are proud that finally, this project can be regarded as completed after a lengthy construction period.

“Those returning home for the Gawai Dayak celebration can enjoy using the new flyover.

“This is good news for them,” he told reporters when met during his visit to the flyover yesterday.

According to Nanta, the flyover is part of the Sibu Interchange Project under Works Package (WP) 7 of the Pan Borneo Highway development costing RM950 million.

The federal minister also advised road users to always obey the traffic rules either during the journey their hometowns for Gawai Dayak or going back to their workplaces later on.

“Do not go over the 90km/hour speed limit, despite the good and comfortable road that we have now.

“I know some drivers tend to overspeed because they see how good the road condition is,” he reminded everyone.

Meanwhile, the RM1.6 billion WP7 is undertaken by Hock Seng Lee Bhd (HSL) and Dhaya Maju Infrastructure (Asia) Sdn Bhd.

According to HSL general manager for projects Philip Lau, WP7 covers three sections: Bintangor to Julau spanning 28km; Durin Bridge (1.9km); and Sibu Interchange to Sungai Kua Bridge (46km).

He said the Sibu sections alone cost over RM900 million, with the Sibu Interchange Project stretching 700m costing RM61 million.

Also present yesterday was Public Works Department Central Zone manager (Pan Borneo Highway branch) Hashim Saari.

The Borneo Post


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